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Repair and Strengthening

Freyssinet's heritage includes many inventions that have marked the construction industry. Strengthening using composite materials plays an important part among a wide range of techniques that PSC Freyssinet uses in its work on buildings, industrial sites, bridges and water retaining structures.

We will provide investigation and analysis services, and then provide a complete design of solutions and propose a most economic and feasible repair and strengthening method to our clients.

Repair and Strengthening by Carbon Fibre Fabric (TFC)

Carbon Fibre Fabric (TFC) was developed by Freyssinet with a group of French partners in 1996 and quickly became indispensable for maintenance, repair and strengthening. The performance of TFC has been demonstrated in a large number of laboratory tests and was approved by a CSTB approval note in 2000.

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Repair and Strengthening by other method

  • External post-tensioning method
  • Epoxy resin crack injection
  • Cut, re-stress and make good of existing tendons in post-tensioning structure

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